Barton Gellman
Barton Gellman

For political and bureaucratic reasons, governments at all levels are telling far less to the public than to insiders about how to prepare for and behave in the initial chaos of a mass-casualty event.

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders

Whether you are a low-income elderly woman living at the end of a dirt road in Vermont or a wealthy CEO living on Park Avenue, you get your mail six days a week. And you pay for this service at a cost far less than anywhere else in the industrialized world.

Bill Dedman
Bill Dedman

The entire federal budget for landslide research is $3.5 million a year - far less than the property value lost on a single day when 17 mansions slid down a hill in 2005 in Laguna Beach, Calif.

Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson

All too often, academic departments defend their territory with the passion of cornered animals, though with far less justification.

Candace Owens
Candace Owens

Racism exists, but it is far less rampant than ignorance, and ignorance can be cured through experience.

Carolyn Aronson
Carolyn Aronson

The upfront spend to build trial, authentic reviews, web traffic, and passion for your product is far less expensive than paying tens of thousands of dollars for a one-time activation with an 'of the moment' star.

Clive Sinclair
Clive Sinclair

Even when she was alive, Esther Kreitman's novels, short stories and translations received far less attention than the work of her famous brothers, I. J. and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

Daniel Lubetzky
Daniel Lubetzky

While domestically the president may be able to somewhat reshape his/her image through defining moments and actions, this is far less feasible internationally.

David Benioff
David Benioff

It would be far less interesting, after 'The Empire Strikes Back,' to have an hour-long movie in between 'Empire' and 'Return of the Jedi,' where Luke is training. It's so much cooler to cut from end of 'Empire' to beginning of 'Return,' where he's become the Jedi.

David Brock
David Brock

You get to a point where the factual adjudication doesn't matter because there are all these other outlets that are far less responsible, all talking about the ad, some of which have a political reason for promoting it.